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A robust processing and reporting system scalable to your needs. Developed by our team of technologists, the ACHQ Payment Gateway provides a straightforward, real-time interface and is a secure, central-solution for your business to process payments.
Confidence and peace of mind. Our solutions ensure your funds are always on their way.
Bigger savings. Better rates. Scalability at its best.
Check 21 or Remotely Created Checks are broad terms used to describe processing which clears transactions through bank-to-bank file transfer rather than through the ACH network. Both Check 21 and ACH are used for web and phone transactions as well as one-time and recurring debits from bank accounts. The customer experience for Check 21 and ACH is the same.
Customers pay you with an eCheck by providing bank routing and account numbers rather than card information.
Transactions remain in an electronic file format. Substitute checks are not printed out. ACHQ creates an electronic file of the check information and an image cash letter which is processed along with the file.

Solutions for you
Check 21 transactions are governed by check laws and the Uniform Commercial Code rather than ACH rules and regulations set by the ACH governing body, NACHA. If your business struggles with the ACH ratios for returns and revokes, Remotely Created Checks are a good option for you.
Faster Settlement
You control your settlements. Funds can be settled directly to your bank account the next day. No hold times or reserves required. Alternatively, ACHQ can handle settlement and clearing. The only transaction your business bank sees is the cleared funds settled to your account.
ACH rules require revoked transactions (chargebacks) to remain below 0.5% and returns under 15%. Check 21 does not have this limitation, giving you greater flexibility on both revokes and returns.
Wider Coverage
Both ACH & Check 21 transactions are accepted by large US banks. Check 21 expands your coverage to include transactions from credit unions, savings & loans, small banks, brokerages, and checks drawn on credit card accounts.
Enhanced Descriptors
Check 21 allows more characters to be used on the descriptor than ACH transactions. Details of a Check 21 transaction appear on consumers’ bank statements in the same place as a paper-check transactions. This helps consumers to easily remember the transaction, decreasing risk of revokes.